From Love, with Brussels

'From Love, With Brussels' ontwikkelt zich rond de toponymie van 'your-space' binnen het Van Abbemuseum, een museale ruimte die een platform wordt voor haar tijdelijke gasten en bezoekers.

Komplot fungeert als een mobiel team van curatoren. De groep infiltreert in de publieke ruimte en structuur, en initieert artistieke projecten die grensoverschrijdend werken. Als groep is Komplot steeds op zoek naar onstabiele omgevingen en fluctuerende contexten, naar steeds nieuw terrein en originele vormen van expressie. Hierbinnen is het de missie van Komplot om strategieën te ontwikkelen voor de productie en diffusie van de resultaten van events die ze organiseert.
Voor 'From Love, With Brussels' presenteert Komplot werken die diezelfde strategie van infiltratie en performance bezitten in hun manier van presentatie en perceptie.

Het statement van 'From Love, With Brussels' werkt als een tegengewicht voor het assertieve profiel van het voorstel van Freek Lomme, 'The Return Of The Dutch', dat door 'your-space 'gepresenteerd zal worden in de ruimte van Komplot in Brussel.
Deelnemende kunstenaars: Aline Bouvy, John Gillis, Kevin Van Braak, Bart Schonderbeek, Simona Denicolai & Ivo Provoost, Sofie Haesaerts, ICE AGE, Kosten Koper, Douglas Park, Grégoire Motte, Claudia Radulescu, Kurt Ryslavy, Christophe Terlinden, Michael Van den Abeele, Freek Wambacq + NG
Van 6 juni tot 3 augustus 2008
Opening donderdag 5 juni 2008 om 19u00
Bilderdijklaan 10, Eindhoven
Invitation, From Love, with Brussels
Then came From Love, with Brussels, group exhibition, van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, 2008. Mostly Sonia Dermience and Emmanuel Lambion. We met up and spent time together beforehand in London to discuss this and other possibilities. At Nang Gallery, I introduced Sonia Dermience to John Russell (ex member of 1990’s collective, BANK –sometime collaborator with Fabienne Audeoud –and solo-artist). Strangely enough, Sonia Dermience and Komplot had worked with John Russell, but they’d never met –until there and then, through me. Another private view, at Maureen Paley’s Interim Art also sticks strongly in my mind. Sonia Dermience and Emmanuel Lambion stayed at the apartment of the expatriot German photo-artist of urban nocturnes and influential art-educator, Rut Blees Luxemburg (somebody I've aided and abetted during the course of their duties making work -and also written about as well).

Just before From Love, with Brussels, I was already in Belgium anyway, to work with filmmaker, Mark Ærial Waller. As well as us both contributing to and appearing in the same projects, shows, events and publications, I've acted in various films by Mark Ærial Waller ('Glow Boys', London, 1998; 'Nuclear Contract Worker Interview', London, 1999; 'White Stag', London, 2001; ‘Superpower / London Chapter’, London, 2004; 'The Flipside of Darkness', Warsaw, 2007). Images of me from his films and events infest Mark Ærial Waller's book, The Flipside of Darkness, CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, where theres also my ‘Dream-Key Zodiac / Pandora’s Ark’, (English / Polish, translated by M. Jader –so also, ‘Sen-Klucz Zodiaka / Arka Pandory’), 2008. Objectif Exhibitions in Antwerp, presented Mark’s La Societe des Amis de Judex 2, an expanded-cinema multimedia spectacle (from Mark Ærial Waller's "Wayward Canon" event series).

We'd performed versions of La Societe des Amis de Judex 2 at London's Tate Modern and FACT in Liverpool. Vintage films of "Fantomas" (the surrealist's anti-hero villain) interview footage with 1 of the co-author creators of "Fantomas"; early technicolour “Batman” and “Joker” extracts; film by Mark Ærial Waller of a Turkish live-art troupe singing texts about "Fantomas"; recordings of Turkish street-musicians and public background-noise; dry-ice smoke; myself as "ecran-vivante" wearing white fencing-costume and ski-mask (or rather, 1 of Gideon Cube-Sherman's "Anti-Paint Protective Headgear", from his "Cube-White Seminal Formulæ" paint and "Test-Area", in my and Alfred Camp’s 4-person group show, The Gallery Has Been Completely Vandalised!, Alfred Camp Gallery / 97 - 99 Projects, London, 2000), whilst reciting my 'Dream-Key Zodiac / Pandora's Ark' text; Mark Ærial Waller in a fake-ancient helmet reciting Guillaume Apollinaire verses etc.

It was strange to briefly show Mark Ærial Waller around at least some of Antwerpen, which I know well, because he'd never been before. While there, we met the mysterious French itinerant artist, NG, at A.I.R Antwerpen (a residency I was on in 2006 -and a place I often stayed in beforehand and after my time there) who was to be also be in From Love, with Brussels -as a past-the-umpteenth-hour watershed and addition.

I went to Brussels to join Sonia Dermience and friends. Amongst other things needing to be done, we had to amend the punky and "zine" chic From Love, with Brussels invite flyers for the van Abbemuseum show –with NG's name. Attempts to join some people at the Compilotheque canalside bar, restaurant and venue were thwarted by intended quarries preferring to watch football on T.V elsewhere. Apparently, myself (and maybe others?) ended up singing, whether accepting an offer or simply bulldozing ahead and just doing it, on stage, perhaps.

From Brussels, we travelled to Eindhoven. The interface between Komplot and us (the artists) and the van Abbemuseum was Freek Lomme, with the organizations, Onomatopee and Your-Space. Cafes, bars, apotheeks. The earliest discussions of what was to be the 'Marcel' flick (but thats saved up until later). 1st night in an ordinary residential suburb -with magic-realist dreamlike atmosphere -and lit neon-signage -even when nothing was open. Asking locals out late the way to the house we stayed in because the street or our part of it proved unfindable. After the From Love, with Brussels launch event and performances (filmed by NG -as her input), we and our entourage spent the night at Onomatopee h.q. 
Grégoire Motte, The necklace which stains
Opening Performance
From Love, with Brussels
©, Copyright, Komplot, 2008

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