Gwangju Biennale 2002 - Project 1: Pause Realization 멈춤

참여국:  29개국(예술총감독 성완경)

4개의 프로젝트 ''멈춤'', ''저기 이산의 땅'', ''집행유예'', ''접속'' 전시를 비롯한 참여형 프로그램과 행사장 밖으로 확대된 공연 이벤트들로 참여 소통 폭을 넓힌 전시이다.
참여작가수: 93 작가


Project 1 takes its title from the overall theme of PAUSE. Pause is an instruction – to linger, to think, to rest and maybe change direction. The exhibition unfolds over four of the Biennale Hall galleries, combining a new architectural vision with work from over 150 artists. Alternative and independent groups working in different cities across Asia and Europe form the backbone of Project 1. They have been invited because they reflect a new logic for contemporary artists to work together, responding to local situations and developing a sense of community and experiment in the cities they live. In modest ways, they embody developing strategies of resistance or rethinking to the overwhelming power of the globalising economic, political and cultural mainstream. Their presentations often ask you to pause, to think not only about the work shown but also the situation in which it was produced and the influence of urban experience on contemporary visual culture. Weaving in and aro! und these groups are a number of pavilions designed by artists and architects. They are literally places to rest and take time to discuss the environment around you. The works of individual artists are thrown into this mix as a third level of interpretation of the title. These works relate to time, long-term change, slowness and the social pace required for new models of living together. Sharp cuts and sudden discoveries mark out the experience of Project 1, a labyrinth of contemporary culture in which each visitor will need to get lost in order to discover a new way home.

Projects of the Gwangju Biennale 2002

Project 1
Title : Pause
Venue : Gwangju Biennale Hall Gallery 1-4
Curators : Wan-Kyung Sung (Artistic Director of the Gwangju Biennale 2002)
Charles Esche (Director, Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art, Malmo, Sweden)
Hou Hanru (Artistic Director, Shanghai Biennale 2000)
Exhibition Space Designer : Yeong-jun Kim, Yong-ho Chang

Project 2

Venue : Gwangju Biennale Hall, Gallery 5
Curator : Yong Soon Min (Professor of Studio Art, University of California, Irvine, U.S.A)

Project 3
Title : Stay of Execution
Venue : Reconstructed MP Camp in May 18 Liberty Park
Curator : Wan-kyung Sung (Artistic Director of the Gwangju Biennale 2002)

Project 4
Title : Connection
Venue : Disused Railways in Gwangju city (About 750m region on St. Daenamro)
Curator : Guyon Chung (Professor of the Korean National University of Arts)

지역, 공동체, 세계《제4회 광주비엔날레 초청 국제 워크숍–공동체와 미술》을 통해 바라본 예술가의 인식Art of Local Relevance and Globalism: Insights from the 4th Gwangju Biennale Invited Groups’ International Workshop – Community and Art

발행: 한국미술이론학회 The Korean Association of Art Theories

저자 김장언 Kim, Jang Un | 독립 큐레이터, 미술평론

This paper discusses the experiences of Korean artists who participated in the 4th Gwangju Biennale Invited Groups' International Workshop – Community and Art, which was held in 2002. This workshop offered the participants, most of whom had been developing alternative art practices since the late 1990s, with an opportunity to ponder the issues of local relevance, community engagement, and globalism. Some crucial insights forged through the workshop have since helped the participating artists to recontextualize themselves in the face of growing challenges of globalism. A key realization was that the needs for local relevance in art should not be subjugated to neo-liberalistic globalism. Art of local relevance, combined with hybridity and heterogeneity, would represent a new direction in the era of globalism. This proposition can serve as the new conceptual foundation for Korean contemporary artists who wish to build up community arts and seek solidarity with like-minded artists across the world.
이 논문은 2002년 개최된 《제4회 광주비엔날레 초청 국제 워크숍–공동체와 미술》에 참여 한 한국 작가들의 경험을 분석함으로써 90년대 말 이후 한국에서 대안적 미술 실천을 진행했던 작가들의 인식의 변화를 추적한다. 이 워크숍은 전지구화된 세계 속에서 미술과 사회의 관계, 미 술제도에 대한 비판적 접근을 시도하는 대안적 주체들의 상호 교류의 장으로 기획되었으며, 한 국 작가들은 워크숍의 과정을 통해서 자신들의 위치를 재맥락화하는 경험을 갖게 되었다. 그들 이 경험한 지역은 신자유주의와 국민국가의 개념 속에 복속된 지역이 아니라 혼종성과 이질성 속에서 새롭게 만들어지는 지역이며, 이를 통해 공동체의 의미를 재발명하고, 세계와 연대할 수 있는 기반을 마련할 수 있었으며, 비판적 예술실천의 가능성을 재발명하고자 했다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 워크숍–공동체와 미술
 Ⅲ. 도시성에 대한 인식
 Ⅳ. 도시성과 지역성 그리고 공동체
 Ⅴ. 차이의 발견: 자본주의와 전지구화에 대한 인식
 Ⅵ. 겸손한 제안(modest proposal), 그 이후
 Ⅶ. 결론

:SUNG Wankyung(성완경)HOU Hanru(侯瀚如)Charles ESCHEWill BRADLEYGeert LOVINKSONG Doyoung(송도영)LEE Wengchoy(李永財)KIM Kwangsoo(김광수)
Description:This is the catalogue for 'Project 1: Pause', which was one of the four exhibitions organised for the 2002 Gwangju Biennale. Since this catalogue was published after the Biennale opened, it is able to provide comments and response about the show from art practitioners, the press as well as the public.

Images of works are accompanied by short individual texts. Biographical notes are provided at the back of the catalogue.

Other participating artists included: Sonia Abian, AES Group, Halil Altindere, Otto Berchem, Johanna Billing, Ross Birrell, Borges Libreria, Veronique Boudier, CASCO, Digital ArtLab, Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset, Esra Ersen, Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Foksal Gallery Foundation, Antonio Gallego, Gelatin, Jens Haaning, Paul Harrison & John Wood, Claude Leveque, Mark Lewis, Hilary Lloyd, Lyn Lowenstein, Olaf Nicolai, Oda Projesi, Alan Johnston, Marko Pelijhan, Protoacademy, Wilhelm Sasnal, Bulent Sangar, Signal, Sean Snyder, Nedko Solakov, Superflex, Bert Theis, Transmission Gallery, Gitte Villesen, Sislej Xhafa

Languages:English, Korean
:Gwangju Biennale 2002, Experience and Discovery - SUNG Wankyung(성완경)
Event City, Pandora's box - HOU Hanru(侯瀚如)
"... We won't use guns, we won't use bombs, we'll use the one thing we've got more of, that's our mind..." - Charles ESCHE
Response - Public & Press
Glasgow Plus And/Or Minus - Will BRADLEY
The Downfall of the Syndicate Network - Geert LOVINK
Dreaming of a Community in the Age of Urban Nomadism - SONG Doyoung(송도영)
Island Historiography - LEE Wengchoy(李永財)
City, Center, Margin, Unexpected Benefits? - KIM Kwangsoo(김광수)
:(Group) Artist Pro Active(Group) University Bangsar UtamaArahmaiani(Group) Atelier Bow-Wow(アトリエ・ワン)BAK Munjong(박문종)(Group) Big Sky Mind(Group) Forum A(포럼a)GENG Jianyi(耿建翌)GU Dexin(顧德新)HAM Jin(함진)HSIEH Tehching(謝德慶)IM Heungsoon(임흥순)(Group) IT Park(伊通公園)JOO Jaehwan(주재환)JUNG Yeondoo(정연두)On KAWARA(河原溫)KIM Sanggil(김상길)Sora KIM(김소라)Gimhongsok(김홍석)KIM Soungui(김순기)KONG Sunghun(공성훈)KOO Jeonga(구정아)KurimanzuttoSurasi KUSOLWONG(สุรสีห์ กุศลวงศ์)LIEW KungyuTzaychuen LIM(林載春)Michael Minghong LIN(林明弘)LIN Yilin(林一林)(Group) LOFT(Group) LOOP Alternative Space(대안공간 루프)Andar ManikMarintan SIRAITMatthew Mingfook NGUIMotohiko ODANI(小谷元彦)Shinichi OGAWA(小川晋一)Tsuyoshi OZAWA(小沢剛)(Group) Para/Site Art Space(Group) Plastique Kinetic Worms(group) pool(대안공간 풀)(Group) Post 8(後八)Eko Prawoto(Group) Project 304(Group) ruangrupaJudy Freya SIBAYANSONG Dong(宋冬)SUNG Neungkyung(성능경)(Group) U-KabatVideotage (Organisation)XU Tan(徐坦)ZHANG Peili(張培力)Hay YOUNG(楊曦)YOON Jookyung(윤주경)YOO Seungho(유승호)YIN Xiuzhen(尹秀珍)YAN Lei(顏磊)FU Jie(傅潔)YANG Jiechang(楊詰蒼)

Organiser:Gwangju Biennale Foundation

Year of Publication:2002

김순기, 낭시와의 대화

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