Madame, Monsieur,

For this year’s Ateliers des Arques residency, from a proposal by Mme Charlotte Laubard (directrice of CAPC - musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux), the artist Daniel Dewar (with Gregory Gicquel, one half of the duo, Dewar & Gicquel), is program-director. 

Daniel Dewar has chosen and invited artists on the grounds of their interest in collaboration, exchange and experiment. 

The exhibition is ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’. A group show or even collective joint venture by Les Ateliers des Arques guest residents. 

Alongside other locations around Les Arques, an old barn is used to become Le Centre Culturel Les Arques (CCLA). A venue to present a hybrid of work by Ateliers des Arques residency members, local artists and also non-art objects. Le Centre Culturel Les Arques has two spaces. One, an exhibition space. The other, a giftshop, selling affordable editioned multiples. 

Every guest artist has produced a specific work. 

Owen Piper Mixed media paintings on canvas. Each work, a gift for every single citizen of Les Arques village. Also, signage for shops, otherwise missing from Les Arques. 

Douglas Park Literary prose, written art, also literary prose and written art instead of criticism, even relatively conventional essays as well. Whether as solo work, collaboration or project input. Outlets vary from publication, exhibition, live recital, audio recording and online. 

Michelle Naismith An especially originated film, shot on location and elsewhere. A series of enacted tableaux vivantes storytelling about an imaginary hospital and supposed therapies. 

Benjamin Valenza An outdoors public monument, with videowork.

Lisa May Post Epic panoramic portrait of program-director, Daniel Dewar in the local landscape.

Emmanuelle Lainé An “atelier” environment (tools, materials and other “evidence” of “work” and “productivity”), made and presented within a vitrine chamber. 

Hendrik Hegray A published edition, marrying the genres of “zine” and “bookwork”. Also, a large number of automatiste and gestural croquis sketches of mutant beings. 

Kaiser Kraft (Stephane Barbier Bouvet & Benjamin Valenza) design and scenography to display Le Centre Culturel Les Arques. 

Among others, Le Centre Culturel Les Arques will include large-scale sculptures by Patrick Vaugel, a compressed car by Le Garage Jean-Pierre Ciercoles, woodcarvings of mushrooms and toadstools by Mr Labroue Klébert, and a flat-hull boat by Olivier Roland. 

By order, Douglas Park

Les Arques, le 18 juin 2012

Commissariat artistique 
Daniel DEWAR
Sur une proposition de Mme Charlotte Laubard, directrice du CAPC - musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux.

Les artistes invités
Douglas PARK
Emmanuelle LAINE
Hendrick HEGRAY
Benjamin VALENZA

Vernissage de l’exposition le 30 juin 2012.

the artist's residency 2012, curated by Daniel Dewar and culminating in the Exhibition: 'The Magic Porridge Pot' June-September, 2012. Invited artists: Owen Piper, Liza May-Post, Benjamin Valenza, Stephane Barbier Bouvet, Emmanuelle Lainé, Kaiser Kraft, Hendrik Hegray Sami Bergold, Douglas Park, Michelle Naismith
"An especially originated film, shot on location and elsewhere. A series of enacted tableaux vivantes storytelling about an imaginary hospital and supposed therapies." Douglas Park, 'The Magic Porridge Pot' exhibition press release, Les Ateliers Des Arques, 2012 •
Photo by Owen Piper

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