
In commemorating the tenth anniversary of Leeum, PLATEAU, Saumsung Museum of Art is pleased to present Spectrum-Spectrum, an exhibition examining the diverse spectrum of Korean contemporary art today. This exhibition takes ARTSPECTRUM, Leeum's core biennial program for emerging artists, as point of departure. Since 2001, ARTSPECTRUM has presented over 48 artists over its five installments. Inviting seven past participants of ARTSPECTRUM along with seven peer artists of their recommendation, Spectrum-Spectrum honors Leeum's past decade of accomplishments, at the same time layering PLATEAU's expanded perspective as way of exploring new grounds for modifying and sustaining existing exhibition platforms.

The fourteen participating artists (teams) in the exhibition, including Kim Beom (painting), Kiljong Arcade (installation), MeeNa & Sasa[44] (installation), Sulki & Min (design), Jinnie Seo (installation), Young In Hong (painting/performance), Inhwan Oh (installation), Meehye Lee (installation), Dongi Lee (painting), Juri Lee (painting), Hyungkoo Lee (video), Jihyun Jung (installation), Suejin Chung (video), Hyounsoo Kyung (painting), each seek their own solutions and answers to the realities they are faced with as artists today. From a puzzling maze as metaphor of life, envisioning multiple alternatives to the historical narrative, to proposing a new business model of art production, the shrewd sense of reality expressed in the various artistic forms will provide ample grounds for visualizing their unique insights.

As way of repositioning the relationship of Leeum and PLATEAU, this exhibition expands itself on the subjective vision and active curatorial participation by the artists. We hope this exhibition leads to broadening the gateways for emerging artists and provides opportunities for envisioning new possibilities for Korean contemporary art.

Curated by Soyeon Ahn, Deputy Director, PLATEAU, Samsung Museum of Art, Korea

PLATEAU, Samsung Museum of Art was first inaugurated in 1999 as Rodin Gallery, presenting its permanent installation of Auguste Rodin's monumental masterpieces The Gates of Hell and The Burghers of Calais, and has established itself as one of the central institutions in the Korean contemporary art scene.

In May 2011, Rodin Gallery reopened its doors under the new name, PLATEAU, aspiring a broader scope of program, as well as higher artistic grounds for artists and patrons alike. With the new name, PLATEAU expresses our renewed commitment to embracing the dynamic developments in Korean and international contemporary art, in continuation with our permanent display of the Rodin masterpieces.

삼성미술관 플라토는 리움 개관 10주년을 기념하여 한국 현대미술의 현주소를 새롭게 조망하는 기획전 <스펙트럼-스펙트럼>을 개최한다. 이 전시는 리움의 대표적인 전시 프로그램으로 지난 2001년 이후 5회의 전시를 통해 총 48명의 신진작가를 배출한 <아트스펙트럼>을 모티브로 한다. <아트스펙트럼> 출신작가 7명이 새로운 작가 7명을 추천하는 방식으로 진행한 <스펙트럼-스펙트럼>은 리움의 지난 10년의 성과를 기념하는 것은 물론, 플라토의 확장된 시각을 더한 일종의 메타(meta-) 전시로서 하나의 전시모델이 발전하고 지속 가능한지를 실험해보는 전시이다.
김범-길종상가, 미나와 Sasa[44]-슬기와 민, 지니서-홍영인, 오인환-이미혜, 이동기-이주리, 이형구-정지현, 정수진-경현수 등 총 14명(팀)의 작가들은 오늘날 미술가들이 마주하는 현실에 대해 깊이 사유하면서 다양한 자구책과 해법을 모색한다. 삶의 난해함을 퍼즐풀기로 헤쳐나가거나, 고정된 역사에 다수의 대안을 제시하여 대체 가능성을 모색하고, 예술활동을 비즈니스로 치환하는 등, 다양한 시각적 매체와 작가들 스스로 생산한 텍스트를 통해 풍부한 볼거리와 생각거리를 제공한다.
‘환상’ 또는 ‘유령’이란 말과 어원을 공유하는 빛의 ‘스펙트럼’이 두 번 교차되는 양상을 개념화한 <스펙트럼-스펙트럼>은 전시를 통해 주제와 변주, 기원과 확장, 반복과 차이의 메커니즘을 실험하면서 리움과 플라토의 관계를 재설정한다. 원천으로부터 파생된 지류가 더 큰 생동감을 확보하는 것처럼 작가들의 주체적인 참여로 확장된 이 전시는 한국 현대미술의 현재를 폭넓게 조망하는 의미 있는 기회가 될 것이다.

Kim Beom
Untitled (Intimate Suffering #13)
Acrylic on canvas
491 x 348.5 cm

Kim Beom’s work has consistently explored the issues of perception by exposing the gap between the image and the real. Unlike other paintings, Untitled (Intimate Suffering #13) is at once an abstract pattern and a visual puzzle that allows for more “realistic” engagement with the viewers. The maze is an exceptionally recurring motif in Kim’s oeuvre that serves as general metaphor for the challenges of life. While each work in the maze series exists as an independent puzzle with its own unique form and complexity, this work is not only the last of the series and the biggest in scale, but also the most challenging and painful puzzle among them.


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