Some fucker sitting there in the sauna cause last night he got drunk and started telling about some obscure turn-ons he gets and woke up today imagining everybody at work talking about him which can cause the kind of embarrassment that feels like a combo of guilt and paranoia when it happens coming down from booze so he figured a long sauna might sweat out the guilt symptoms even though it’s really embarrassment not guilt but he’s only been in there for 5 minutes when some naked fucker gets up and turns the heat up full blast for awhile cause he’s a health nut and says quick temperature changes can be good for circulation or some shit like that so the fucker sitting there can’t hardly last another minute, he feels like he’s gonna chunk cause he mixed too many kinds of booze last night so he decides to forgot about sweating regret and get out of there and play it like he’d typically say those kind of things not cause he was drunk exposing himself unwillingly and maybe some woman at work might even think it’s a turn-on or makes him seem uninhibited, probably not cause the people at work are more likely to take the easy group route and diss him but anyway it’s still better to play the independent indifferent than the apologetic shamed

June 2016

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