WHO’S WHO_서울-타이베이 스크리닝 프로젝트

2016. 8.20(토)-8.28(일)
Wang Pei-Hsuan(王佩瑄)
Kuo Yu-Ping(郭俞平)
Ting Chaong-Wen(丁昶文)
Lin Yu-Hsuan(林裕軒)
Cheng Li-Ming(鄭立明)
Huang Sun-Quan(黃孫權)/Kan Chih-Yu(甘志雨)/Tseng Chieh(曾傑) 
주최 시청각, Waley Art, Osmosis Festival/A.S.C
기획 시청각(안인용, 현시원), Waley Art(양야샹)
«Who’s Who»는 한국 서울 시청각과 대만 타이베이의 Waley Art가 공동 기획하는 스크리닝 전시 프로젝트다. 8월 말에 서울(8.20-8.28)과 타이베이(8.20-9.4)에서 동시에 진행되며, 타이베이에서는 Osmosis Audiovisual Media Festival(8.18-9.18, 타이베이-카오슝)의 일환으로 열린다. 인명록을 뜻하는 ‘Who’s Who’는 전시를 관통하는 주제이자 키워드다. 전시는 ‘Who’s Who’라는 공통의 키워드 아래 서울과 타이베이 큐레이터가 각각 기획하고 해석한 이야기로 채워진다. 전시에는 한국 작가 6명과 대만 작가 6명/팀이 참여한다.

아티스트 토크
2016. 8월 23일(화) 오후 5시: 구민자, 권경환, 금혜원, 김영수 작가와 대만 작가 Wang Pei-Hsuan(王佩瑄), Kuo Yu-Ping(郭俞平), 대만 Waley Art의 디렉터와 큐레이터가 참여


이 전시는 서울과 타이베이에서 동시에 진행된다. 
타이베이에서는 8월 20일(토)부터 9월 4일(일)까지, 오후 12시-7시 30분
Haley Art
WHO’S WHO_Celebrities with no face
Who’s Who is a screening exhibition project jointly planned by the Audio Visual Pavilion in South Korea and the Waley Art in Taiwan. Opening in late August and running simultaneously in Seoul (8.20-8.28) and Taiwan (8.20-9.4), the exhibition will also be featured as part of the Osmosis Audiovisual Media Festival (8.18-9.18, Taipei-Kaohsiung) in Taiwan. ‘Who’s Who’ is both the exhibition’s encompassing theme and keyword. Under the common keyword ‘Who’s Who’, the exhibition contains the stories planned and interpreted by the curators in Seoul and Taiwan.
Although Taiwan is a place that can reached by plane from Seoul in only two and a half hours, even if one were to call to mind the country’s geographical coordinates, there still remains a sense of a vast unknown. As if unfolding a directory composed of the names of individuals and their stories, Korea’s Who’s Who attempts to explore the yet unfamiliar country of Taiwan by tracing the names and stories of people. Recalling their short stint in Taiwan, in their own unique way six Korean artists weave together their memories of people and places in a short video work.
Taiwan’s Who’s Who : Celebrities with no Face attempts to discuss the celebrities’ public face in three ways. The first way investigate the Guy-Ernest Debord’s Society of the Spectacle. When the audiences receive different kinds of ideology, they will attempt to transfer themselves (particular) into spectacle (universals), we called it “deliberately created” become to “celebrities”. One is using various bewitching means of dissemination, for specific group of people to meet specific needs (such as “The Truman Show”). Another is the ethnicity suffered historical suffering. Their image always gradually formed a human appearance paragon in public impression; they become the icon face easily to recognize, can be widely identified “celebrities” appearance (the culture tag). The other is the celebrity by word of mouth, he/she exiting in the collective memory of people, but he/she will disappear without widely be on everybody’s lips, becoming the existing ghosts.

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