signed by Anthony Gross
July 2012
Burnt Wood Stories is the title of an on-going image series and also of a solo exhibition project Anthony Gross in 2011.
The images are large-scale pyrographics, produced digitally, that are the largest size that can be produced in Europe. 8x4ft sheets of oak veneer have been burnt with industrial lasers that trace digital images produced by Gross. The images are an on-going filtering of the world around us where images from many sources as well as specially made- and customised images are created, found on-line, in fleamarkets, hand drawn, photographed from TV and so on, and then visually processed and output. Like a computing machine with a laser eye, an ongoing output of images forms a filtered and subjective archive of the visible world. The Burnt Wood Stories
digital images have been used as random generators for film scripts; found images to create stream of consciousness storyboards for digital video collage. They appear and morph in a number of film works. Carefully designed, the physical burnt wood images are hand- sprayed by a studio team with three layers of beeswax, polished over 3 days and then assembled with custom computer-cut frames in specially commissioned tinted aluminums. Burnt Wood Stories was a solo show at The Agency Gallery ( where a special publication was made by the artist with essays by David Burrows, Amanda Beech and Rosie Cooper. The publication examined detective tropes of investigation in art and linked a moment in 1979 across the US and Europe via art, cinema and industrial design.
digital images have been used as random generators for film scripts; found images to create stream of consciousness storyboards for digital video collage. They appear and morph in a number of film works. Carefully designed, the physical burnt wood images are hand- sprayed by a studio team with three layers of beeswax, polished over 3 days and then assembled with custom computer-cut frames in specially commissioned tinted aluminums. Burnt Wood Stories was a solo show at The Agency Gallery ( where a special publication was made by the artist with essays by David Burrows, Amanda Beech and Rosie Cooper. The publication examined detective tropes of investigation in art and linked a moment in 1979 across the US and Europe via art, cinema and industrial design.

The installation consisted of three 'Scenarios', workstations of vintage furniture and AV equipment at which the viewer could investigate video loops and soundtracks further (KANE's Revolutions, Immersion Test-Back Hole Scenario, and Rushes-Detroit Scenario ) and a selection of 1979 object props and Burnt Wood pyrographics.
The Agency | Anthony Gross 'Burnt Wood Stories' pv
Photo: Aeon Rose
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