Sex with Space

Kim Kim Gallery @ Corner Art Space will show Robert Estermann’s performative work 
in the group show Move and Still in Daegu.

"Sex with Space"
Robert Estermann's Solo Show
Opening perfomance (Robert Estermann): 6pm, 2013. 3. 8

Move and Still
Project Director : Kim No AmDate : 2013. 3. 8 ~ 2013. 4. 28Venue : DAF 1st, 4th and 5th FloorsAbout the Program : The recognition of a creative city and city restoration has brought about a certain transition today in the experimental art scene. By networking between the most active non-profit art organizations, both in Korea and abroad, an interchange project will be exhibited, consisting of experimental, site-oriented, and interdisciplinary works, as well as kinetic art pieces.

무브 앤 스틸
커미셔너 : 김노암
기간 : 2013. 3. 8(금) ~ 2013. 4. 28(일)
장소 : 대구예술발전소 1층, 4층, 5층
내용 : 21세기 창의도시와 도시재생이란 인식에 따른 시대변화와 실험적 예술현장의 상황에 맞게 비영리전시기관들이 활발한 활동을 하는 국내외 대표적인 기관들과 네트워킹을 통한 기획전시와 교류를 주제로 한다. 또한 실험적이고 다원적-비정형예술의 장소특정적 작품들을 선보이고자 한다.
Mar. 2013

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