■ 참여 작가(팀) 리스트
P1한국 곽현진, 길초실, 김나영 & 그레고리 마스(Gregory Maass), 노순택, 박찬경, 배영환, 배진환, 백승우, 슬기와 민, 양아치, 우순옥, 이불, 이수경, 이슬기, 장민승+정재일, 정연두, 지니서, 황세준일본 시마부쿠(Shimabuku), 타로 시노다(Taro Shinoda), 토모코 요네다(Tomoko Yoneda), 아이코 미야나가(Aiko Miyanaga)중국 아이 웨이웨이(Ai Weiwei)인도 실파 굽타(Shilpa Gupta)팔레스타인 모나 하툼(Mona Hatoum)영국 밥 앤 로버타 스미스(Bob and Roberta Smith), 캐리 영(Carey Young), 루나 이슬람(Runa Islam)프랑스 크리스티앙 볼탕스키(Christian Boltanski)덴마크 AVPD(Aslak Vibæk + Peter DØssing)스웨덴 마그누스 배르토스(Magnus Bärtås)독일 니나 피셔 & 마로안 엘 사니(Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani)오스트리아 준 양(Jun Yang)불가리아 네드코 솔라코브(Nedko Solakov)미국 크리스티안 마클레이(Christian Marclay)브라질 카밀라 스포사티(Camila Sposati)
P2 (작가가 추천한 작가 프로젝트)일본 토요타 미치노리(Toyota Michinori), 레인보우 오카야마(Rainbow Okayama), 후지키 마사노리(Fujiki Masanori) - 시마부쿠(Shimabuku)의 추천한국 정석희 - 김범의 추천한국 김승회, 문건호 - 배영환의 추천미국 쟈넷 루이(Jeannette Louie) - 지니서의 추천한국 이정희, 정윤석 -박찬경의 추천호주/한국 로이스 엉(Royce Ng), 윤주영 - 함경아의 추천한국 김재범, 백정기-정연두의 추천영국 폴 엘리먼(Paul Elliman)-슬기와 민의 추천한국 김수희 -김월식의 추천 이성원 - 임동식의 추천 강이룬(E Roon Kang) - 정진열의 추천 강재구, 경은 - 오형근의 추천 정마리, 하지훈 - 이수경의 추천
P3 (초청 큐레이터 프로젝트)프랑스 큐레이터_나탈리 비오(Natalie Viot) 작가_알랭 드클레르크(Alain Declercq), 엘리스 프로랑티 & 마르셀 튜코브스키 (Elise Florenty & Marcel Türkowsky), 투 반 트랑(Thu Van Tran)한국 큐레이터_김장언 / 작가_윤주경한국 큐레이터_김현진 / 작가_최춘웅한국 큐레이터_이윤희 / 작가_임동식한국/일본 큐레이터_오선영, 최경화 작가_리 킷(Lee Kit), 박진아, 전소정, 가네우지 테페이(Teppei Kaneuji)한국 큐레이터_전자야자수 / 작가_사계절 QQ (남화연, 현시원)한국 큐레이터_한금현 / 작가_이득영, 윤수연한국/세르비아몬테네그로 큐레이터_B109 작가_Part1: 고우리, 이다슬, 이정자, 선우용, 현창민 Part2: 노근우, 박해빈, 백연희, 윤향로 Part3: 김소나, 도완영, 정만조,정혜정,우로스 산체빅(Uros Sanjevic)
P4 (초청 미술기관 프로젝트)프랑스 뱅상 가니베(Vincent Ganivet) - 팔레 드 도쿄(Palais de Tokyo)의 「샬레 드 도쿄5(Chalet de Tokyo 5)」영국 매튜 다비셔(Matthew Darbishire)프랑스 시프리엥 가이야르(Cyprien Gaillard)영국 피터 뉴먼(Peter Newman)이스라엘/영국 카렌 루소(Karen Russo)우루과이/스페인 마틴 사스트르(Martin Sastre),네덜란드 기도 반 데어 베르베(Guido van Der Werve) - 런던 헤이워드 갤러리(Hayward Gallery)의 「다른 세계들: 한국에서의 헤이워드 갤러리 프로젝트 스페이스」네덜란드 유트레히트 CASCO소개, CASCO의 「Multichannel CASCO」일본 타카시 쿠리바야시(Takashi Kuribayashi) 도쿄 원더 사이트(Tokyo Wonder Site)의 「플랫폼 온 플랫폼」호주 데이비드 그릭스(David Griggs), 루이스 파라모(Louise Paramor), 미건 키팅(Megan Keating), 에밀 고(Emil Goh), 팻 호피(Pat Hoffie), 「Under My Skin」 by Asia Link한국 「나눔-불법적인 것을 실험」 By Normal Type (라운지 토크와 영화상영) 「더 북스 인 기무사」 By The Books (예술서적 전시)스페인 「출판 프로젝트」 By MACBA(Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona)
■ 공연 & 상영회 프로그램○ 조미영의 아코디언 연주 / 9월 2일 6pm, 6:30pm_기무사 군호관 내 전소정 작가 77번 방○ 토요타 미치노리 / 9월 2일 수요일 7:00pm_기무사 앞마당 9월 3일 목요일 7:00pm / 기무사 본관 B1○ 김 & 장 뮤직컨설팅 (피처링 정재일) / 9월 2일 수요일 7:30pm_기무사 앞마당○ 정마리 『marie, the little bird - Platform 2009』 / 9월 12일 토요일 4:00pm_기무사 본관○ 아이 웨이웨이 『Fairytale』 비디오 상영회 / 9월 5, 12, 19일 2:00pm_아트선재센터 아트홀
Under the theme "Void of Memory", Platform in KIMUSA of Platform 2009 is an exhibition that rediscovers the spaces that have been unused or forgotten for a period of time. KIMUSA, the old site of the Defense Security Command (DSC) in Sogyeok-dong, is a meaningful place historically, architecturally, and culturally, because it has undergone several transformations up until today.
● The exhibition introduces diverse voices from both the mainstream and non-mainstream art worlds, and provides a vision for new institutions. These voices, after all, are the tools that open up the possibility of communication between the members of different communities in the city. Therefore, Platform in KIMUSA is an experimental ground on which critical and alternative discussions on "New Institutionalism" can be held through exhibitions and events.
● Platform in KIMUSA is comprised of diverse exhibition sections, events and lectures. There are four main sections: P1 is the main exhibition; P2 presents artists recommended by other artists; P3 features a series of projects curated by institutions; and P4 shows the visions of international art institutions. Public Programs and special events are also held throughout the project. Platform in KIMUSA, composed of the various sections above, explores new roles of art by focusing on diverse aspects of art that have been excluded or neglected from contemporary art discourses as well as unrecognized visions and voices of the art world.
● The exhibition introduces diverse voices from both the mainstream and non-mainstream art worlds, and provides a vision for new institutions. These voices, after all, are the tools that open up the possibility of communication between the members of different communities in the city. Therefore, Platform in KIMUSA is an experimental ground on which critical and alternative discussions on "New Institutionalism" can be held through exhibitions and events.
● Platform in KIMUSA is comprised of diverse exhibition sections, events and lectures. There are four main sections: P1 is the main exhibition; P2 presents artists recommended by other artists; P3 features a series of projects curated by institutions; and P4 shows the visions of international art institutions. Public Programs and special events are also held throughout the project. Platform in KIMUSA, composed of the various sections above, explores new roles of art by focusing on diverse aspects of art that have been excluded or neglected from contemporary art discourses as well as unrecognized visions and voices of the art world.
Supported by Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Centre Culturel Français de Seoul, France Express, Cultures France, Arts Council Korea, Japan Foundation, Royal Netherlands Embassy in Korea, Royal Danish Embassy in KoreaIn Kind PanStarline.com, PolliMolli Beanbags
Alternative Title: | Platform 2009 |
Description: |
This catalogue was published on the occasion of Platform in KIMUSA held from September 3 - 25, 2009. The catalogue comes in two volumes, with 101 entries correspondingly numbered across the two books. The white volume contains maps and texts, inicluding artists' statements, while the blue volume contains the images. The publisher of the catalogue Platform in KIMUSA is SAMUSO: Space for Contemporary Art. SAMUSO: Space for Contemporary Art is an initiative curatorial office founded in 2005 based in Seoul, Korea. SAMUSO presents relevant and innovative exhibitions, educational programs, public lectures, symposia and publications pertaining to contemporary art.
Under the idea that contemporary visual art should be closely linked to our real lives in cities instead of remaining as 'art for art’s sake,' Platform 2009 explores the relationship between art and cities under the three key ideas of ‘public,’ ‘space,’ and ‘life.’ Platform 2009 will not only include exhibits but also permanent or temporary public art projects, public programs consisting of symposia, seminars, workshops, lectures and educational programs throughout 2009. Under the theme 'Void of Memory,' Platform in KIMUSA of Platform 2009 is comprised of exhibitions, events and lectures that rediscover spaces which have been unused or forgotten for a period of time. Kimusa, the old site of the Defense Security Command (DSC) in Sogyeok-dong, is a meaningful place historically, architecturally, and culturally, because it has undergone several transformations up until today. Popularly known as ``Kimusa,'' it was once also the location of Gyujanggak (Royal Library), Sogyeokseo (National Taoist Temple) and Saganwon (Office of the Censor-General) during the Joseon Kingdom (1392-1910). The building is registered as Modern Cultural Property No. 375. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has announced plans to turn it into the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul by 2012. Platform in Kimusa 2009 is part of the transition. There are four main sections: P1 is the main exhibition; P2 presents artists recommended by other artists; P3 features a series of projects curated by institutions; and P4 shows the visions of international art institutions. Public Programs and special events are also held throughout the project. |
Language/s: | English, Korean |
: | KIM Sunjung(김선정) |
Publisher/s: | Samuso: Space for Contemporary Art (Seoul - South Korea) |
Venue/s: | Kimusa: 165 Sogyeok-dong Jongno-gu (Seoul - Korea) Artsonje Center (Seoul - Korea) |
Year of Publication: | 2009 |
No. of Pages: | 101 http://www.aaa.org.hk/Collection/Details/28527 |
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