SSamzie Space The 10th Open Studio Exhibition / 제10회 쌈지스페이스 오픈스튜디오전

2009년 3 23일 30

쌈지스페이스 / Ssamzie space, Seoul


쌈지스페이스가 지난 3 30 10번째 오픈 스튜디오를 끝으로 공식적인 업무를 마감했다.

2000 지금의 창전동에 공간을 오픈  쌈지스페이스 예술 경영을 모토로 하는 주식회사 쌈지에서 운영하는 전시작가 스튜디오 공간이다쌈지스페이스의 핵심 프로그램이라고   있는 스튜디오 프로그램 국내 최초의 스튜디오 프로그램으로 공모를 거쳐 선발된 작가들에게 무료로 창작 환경 제공을 하고 다양한 해외 기관과의 교류를 통해 해외진출의 초석을 마련하는 프로그램으로 입지를 굳혀왔다 밖에도 큐레이터 신현진 주축으로 실험적인 기획전과 국제 교류 프로그램큐레이터 레지던시 프로그램과 같은 활동을 통해 1세대 대안공간의 역할을 톡톡히 맡아온 쌈지 스페이스의 폐관소식은 여전히 아쉽기만 하다.

지난 3 23일부터 일주일간 쌈지 스페이스의 마지막 스튜디오 프로그램에 참여한 작가들의 오픈 스튜디오가 진행되었다. ‘오픈 스튜디오 스튜디오에 머무르는 기간 동안의 활동과 작업 공간을 외부에 공개하는 것으로 공개되지 않은 신작을 비롯 작가들의 개인적인 작업 스타일을    있는 묘미를 제공한다사진회화설치 참여작가 20 여명의 스튜디오는 그들만의 작업 스타일을 고스란히 반영하는  자유분방하거나 학구적 이기도 하고 때로는 정갈한 인상을 준다  오픈 스튜디오 기간 동안 작가와의 대화를 비롯한 다양한 오프닝 행사가 곁들여졌다독일의 디륵  리슈트 (Dirk van Lieshout)  도시 문화 탐구를 통해 사회의 구조와 시스템에 대해 이야기 하는  <Mobile studio> 퍼포먼스를스페인의 여성 그래피티 듀오 NM Crew  쌈지 스페이스 외벽을 특유의 색감과 캐릭터로 재탄생 시키는 라이브 페인팅을 선보여 한결 들뜬 분위기를 연출해 내었다.

The catalog of the 10th Open Studio Exhibition at SSamzie Space. SSAMZIE SPACE ended its formal operation with its 10th open studio, held in March 2009.  The residency program originated in 1998.  As an alternative cultural space equipped with galleries, performance hall, and studios, Ssamzie space invited many artists from all over the world to participate in its programs. The organization was sponsored by a leading Korean fashion and accessories company, SSAMZIE Co. Ltd.  The Open Studio Exhibition allows artists to show the fruits of their creative labour during their residency period and provides viewers a glimpse into the private studio spaces of artists who participate in the SSAMIZE residency program. The catalog includes works by artists who were in the one-year program, the three-month program, the International Residence Exchange Program, and the Curatorial Residence Program.  International artists and curators included:  Dirk van Lieshout, Ash Keating, Ole Schwarz, Yaiza Nicolas, Heidi Vogels, Hakima El Djoudi, NM Crew, Tomas Michael Harold. A brief artist statement, interview, or essay accompanies each entry, in addition to the artists' education and exhibition histories at the end of the catalog. 
2009 쌈지 아트북 45호

Language/s:English, Korean
:Reality as a Dice Throwing Game and Art - LEE Sunyoung(이선영)

Maps for the Blind - Pontus KYANDER

Kim Hee-Jung's 'Family' and 'Pink & White' - PARK Chankyong(박찬경)

Interview with Yang Youn-hwa

Oak Jung-ho Brand's Performance and Physical Training - PARK Manu D.(박만우)

Rebuild a Life into the Empire of Kitsch - KWON Youngjin(권영진)

Memo on Lee Eun-sil and Her Works - LIM Geunjun(임근준)
:KWON Kyunghwan(권경환)OH Sukkuhn(오석근)OAK Jungho(옥정호)KIM Heejung(김희정)LEE Eunsil(이은실)U Juju(유쥬쥬)YANG Younhwa(양연화)JEON JihanKIM Sinae(김시내)LEE Jiyoon(이지윤)B.G. MUHN(문범강)HAM Kyungah(함경아)Kyoko EBATA(江幡京子)PARK MeeNa(박미나)Mina CHEON(천민정)GU Minja(구민자)LEE Nayon(이나연)
:KIM Honghee(김홍희)KIM Sunjung(김선정)LEE Jiyoon(이지윤)
Venue/Publisher:SSamzie Space , Seoul

Year of Publication:2009
No. of Pages:144

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